Action Plan Reports AND West Maui Kumuwai!
At 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday July 7th the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset will have a two-part Zoom meeting.  The first part will feature the reports from the four Action Teams that resulted from the club’s Visioning/Strategic Planning session that was held in late May.  Reports will be shared from these Teams:  1) Partner with organizations and Rotary Clubs; 2) The Computers for Kids project; 3) The Summer Scholarships project; and 4) Support for Small Businesses activities.
Tovah Callender and Liz Foote will then share information about the West Maui Kumuwai organization.  “Staying Ocean-Friendly During a Pandemic" is the topic and will feature information about how we can build some ocean-friendly activities into our current reality, in an unobtrusive way that respects everyone’s priorities and circumstances.  Foote and Callender will share actions that we can take to be mindful of our "down-stream" impacts, as well as give a broader sense of why it matters, and what other activities community partners are taking as partners in the West Maui Ridge to Reef Initiative to help keep coastal waters a little cleaner.
Club members will receive an automatic invitation to this Zoom Meeting.  If a guest would like to join this Virtual meeting of the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset contact Past President Mariko Higashi to be included on the invite list at